زيتون أسود اسباني شرائح 500g
يُستخدم الزيتون الإسباني المقطع في أشهى أصناف المأكولات وأكثرها تنوعاً. هو من جذور اسبانية، و ينتشر في البلدان الغربية والشرقية على السواء. كما أن له استخدامات وفوائد غذائية متنوعة.
Spanish sliced black olives are grown in Andalusia, Spain, and are used in different cuisines across the world. The olives come sliced for ease of use, and the best part is that they are sweet and juicy. You can toss the sliced black olives in a salad. They are particularly great in vegetable salads like Greek salad. They also add a lot of flavor to eggs, pasta dishes, pizzas, and even mashed potatoes. The olives are considered one of the healthiest foods as they contain a wealth of nutrients and are also rich in anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. Adding olives to your daily diet can help boost your heart health, bone health, and immune system.