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فاكهة المانغوستين إندونيسيا Approx 500g per pack

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تعتبر المانغوستين فاكهة لذيذه ذات مذاق استوائي مميز كما انها غنية بالمغذيات. فهي تحتوي على مضادات الأكسدة وفيتامين C وفيتامين E والألياف. تناولها طازجة، أو أستخدامها في العديد من الأطباق والمشروبات المنعشه والمربى والمثلجات والحلويات. متوفره الان لدى مارتو بحجم 500غم أطلبها الان بأفضل قيمه وجوده.


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رمز المنتج (SKU) A-292MI500g
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الوزن Approx 500g per pack
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Mangosteen has a soft-textured white flesh that is delightfully sweet and juicy that eating one may just not be enough. Referred to as the Queen of fruits, this delicious purple-colored fruit is often eaten fresh or used in making fruit juices, smoothies, or tossed into salads. Revered for its high antioxidant content, mangosteen pairs well with other ingredients. It goes well with lemongrass, lemon juice, and tropical fruits like strawberries, blueberries, apples, and pineapples for salads. It also pairs well with vegetables if you are looking to make a vegetable salad with a hint of sweetness. Mangosteen is also used in cooking savory dishes. In Thailand, it’s added to spicy dishes for sweetness and to mellow down the spiciness. The delicious fruit is also used in making cakes, bread, and other pastries, desserts, soups, and custards. It’s a pretty versatile fruit, and it has a longer shelf life than most fruits. Ripe mangosteen can last up to 4 weeks when refrigerated.


  • Use a sharp knife to cut slightly through the shell, and then use your hands to pry the shell open. Or squeeze the mangosteen between the palms of your hands to crush the shell.

  • Store in a cold and dry place.