جبنة قريش 500g
جبنة العريش هي جبنة طرية بيضاء من أصول مصرية ، مصنوعة من اللبن الرائب والحليب البقري الطازج والنقي. تتميّز بمذاقها الحلو ويشيع استخدامها في السلطات وأطباق البيتزا و الباستا اللذيذة.
Areesh cheese is a traditional Egyptian cheese made from curdled cow milk. It has a similar taste to ricotta cheese, only that it does not contain salt. The cheese is white and has a soft texture, which makes it easy to use, particularly as a spread. The cheese is a table cheese, and you can use it on your bread or crumble it and sprinkle it on your salads or pizzas. You can also use the cheese to make a tasty dip using herbs, spices, and olive oil. In general, it’s a cheese you can use for making a light and healthy meal. On top of that, Areesh cheese is highly nutritious. It is known to contain nutrients that protect the body from diseases and generally support overall health. It’s a low-fat cheese meaning it has a very small amount of fat, which makes it an excellent food choice for people trying to lose weight and pregnant women.